null The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Has Also Contributed to the UN Human Rights Council Social Forum

The UN Human Rights Council held its Social Forum on the 8th and 9th of October, which this year focused on the theme of combatting poverty and inequalities. To enrich this interactive dialogue and to share the experience of the Hungarian national human rights institution, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma also participated in the Forum via a video message (with regard to the restrictions due to the pandemic).

In his message, the Commissioner presented the efforts taken by our institution during the pandemic aiming to enhance the situation of the most vulnerable groups of society, especially people living in deep poverty, with a special focus on the recommendations published and the relevant on-site visits of the Commissioner.

The session and the video message (from 3:01:10) can be viewed on the following UN WebTv link:


The Social Forum is an annual meeting convened by the Human Rights Council. It provides a unique space for open and interactive dialogue among members of civil society, representatives of member states, NHRIs and intergovernmental organizations on a specific theme chosen by the Council.