Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Visits Foster Home in Hódmezővásárhely

On 13 October 2020, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma visited the Foster Home of the Saint Agatha Child Protection Service in Hódmezővásárhely, where he was received by Deputy Director-General of the Saint Agatha Child Protection Service Mr. Zsolt Balogh and Head of the Foster Home Mr. Béla Rácz. The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights inspected the implementation of the healthcare measures taken at the institution in relation to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the living conditions of the residents.
2020. October. 13.

Visit to Fire Brigade in Gyula

On 13 October 2020, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights visited the Fire Brigade in Gyula. Dr. Ákos Kozma was received by Director of the Békés County Directorate for Disaster Management, Brigadier General Fire Service András Zoltán Kiss, Crew Manager, Lieutenant-Colonel Fire Service Mrs. Ágnes Varga Vincze, and Fire Chief of the Gyula Fire Brigade, Lieutenant-Colonel Fire Service István Zanócz.
2020. October. 13.

The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Has Also Contributed to the UN Human Rights Council Social Forum

The UN Human Rights Council held its Social Forum on the 8th and 9th of October, which this year focused on the theme of combatting poverty and inequalities. To enrich this interactive dialogue and to share the experience of the Hungarian national human rights institution, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma also participated in the Forum via a video message (with regard to the restrictions due to the pandemic).
2020. October. 09.

Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Visits Vác Strict and Medium Regime Prison

On 7 October 2020, Ombudsman Dr. Ákos Kozma visited the Vác Strict and Medium Regime Prison. Accompanied by Director General of the Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters, Correctional Commissioner, Major General Dr. Tamás Tóth, Commander of the penitentiary institution, Colonel Dr. Viktor Füzesi and Executive Director of the Duna-Mix Ltd., Colonel Lóránt Szakolczai, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights inspected the developments that had recently been carried out at the penitentiary institution with a capacity to house 645 persons.
2020. October. 07.

Ombudsman Meets With National Commander of Hungarian Prison Service

On 7 October 2020, Dr Ákos Kozma held a meeting with National Commander of the Hungarian Prison Service, Major General Dr Tamás Tóth, who informed the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the prison organisation’s programme aimed at increasing the number of prison places.
2020. October. 07.

Visit to “Liget” Care Home in Szolnok

On 7 October 2020, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma visited the “Liget” Nursing and Residential Care Home and Day Care Institution for Persons with Disabilities in Szolnok, where he was received by the head of the institution Mr. Tibor Szummer. During the on-site visit, the Ombudsman inspected the implementation of the healthcare measures taken in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the living conditions of the persons in care.
2020. October. 07.